College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences

April 16, 2018 @ 4:10 pm
Genomics Building, 1102A
Title: " 'Chemical love’ – the genetics of pheromone mating boundaries in Drosophila" Abstract: Successful mating decisions are essential for the fitness of individuals. In many insect species, the decision with whom to mate depends on information communicated via cuticular pheromones, a complex blend of…
April 09, 2018 @ 4:10 pm
Genomics Building, 1102A
Title: "Evolution of Hymenoptera: Eusociality, Parasitism, and Speciation." Abstract: Hymenoptera (including bees, ants, wasps, and sawflies) is one of the most diverse and interesting lineages of organisms on the planet. Hymenoptera utilize a wide range of life history strategies from intricate eusocial societies with…
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