College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences

March 05, 2018 @ 4:10 pm
Genomics Building, 1102A
Title: "Pathogen of most resistance: Floral chemicals, temperature and the bumblebee Trypanosomatid Crithidia bombi."  Abstract: Nectar and pollen are rich in phytochemicals, some of which can reduce disease in pollinators. These effects could influence ecological and evolutionary relationships between plants,…
February 26, 2018 @ 4:10 pm
Genomics Building, 1102A
Title: “Causes and consequences of behavioral plasticity in bees” Abstract: The great insect societies found among ants, bees, and wasps are exemplars of phenotypic plasticity, as multiple behavioral and morphological phenotypes (castes: queens, workers) develop from a shared genotype. This plasticity provides the substrate for…
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